Monday, July 15, 2013

The Perfect Boiled Egg ~ Delicious Deviled Eggs

Ah the perfect egg..... So simple if you follow these few steps.

1 dozen eggs (make sure they are as fresh as you can get them)
1 medium pan
Enough water to cover the eggs about 1"
2 cups of ice

Put eggs in pan with water.  Bring to boil and bring down to a simmer. Put timer on for 12 minutes.   When done drain water and rinse with cold water 3 times. Fill pan with cold water leaving and add ice.  Let sit for 5 minutes. 
Crack and peel eggs under the water.  Place peeled egg back in water too cool.  
(If the white of the egg gets cut in anyway, let cool on plate)
Dry eggs in put into plastic baggy.  Refrigerate.

Deviled Eggs (passed down from my mom)

1 dozen hard boiled eggs sliced length wise, yolks gently taken out and put into a bowl.

With fork mash yolks very fine.
 Add to yolks 9 tablespoons of mayonnaise and 1 tablespoon of yellow mustard. Stir and mash down with the back of a spoon.

Fill each egg with yolk mixture and sprinkle with paprika.

*My favorite way to eat a deviled eggs is to top with chopped baby midget pickles.
~Happy Low-Carbing~

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Quick Mousse For One or Frosting for a Minute Muffin

If you have a sweet tooth or need a quick frosting for a cake, try this mousse.. To Die For!!

1 teaspoon sugar free pudding mix
4 tablespoons cream

Mix together until thick, refrigerate for 1/2 hour
*I only had white chocolate sf pudding mix so I added 1/2 teaspoon cocoa.

~Happy Low-Carbing~